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Transcript isoform level expression and differential expression estimation for RNA-seq

Overview of BitSeq usage

BitSeq analysis consists of two stages:

The 1st stage is explained in detail below. In case that differential expression analysis is also required see BitSeq stage 2.

Stage 1:

We want to analyse expression of human transcripts from pair-end sample data1-1_1.fastq, data1-1_2.fastq. First we need to download reference in form of transcript sequence and align the reads using bowtie. We will use hg19 ensebml transcripts:

  1. Follow this link to: UCSC Table Browser which should set you the important fields.
    • (important fields: group:”Genes and Gene Prediction Tracks”, track:”Ensembl Genes”, table:”ensGene”, output format:”Sequence”, output file:”ensemblGenes.fasta”, file type returned:”gzip compressed”)
  2. Click “get output”
  3. Select “genomic”, click “submit”
  4. Select “5’ UTR Exons”, “CDS Exons”, “3’ UTR Exons”, “One FASTA record per gene”, click “get sequence”


Now create index and align:

$ bowtie2-build -f ensemblGenes.fa ensemblGenes
$ bowtie2 -q -k 100 --threads 4 --no-mixed --no-discordant -x ensemblGenes -1 data1-1_1.fastq -2 data1-1_2.fastq -S data1-1.sam 
# for saving alignments in BAM format use samtools
$ bowtie2 -q -k 100 --threads 4 --no-mixed --no-discordant -x ensemblGenes -1 data1-1_1.fastq -2 data1-1_2.fastq | samtools view -hSb - -o data1-1.bam

The user can also use bowtie1 instead of bowtie2. For more details on this step see the alignment page.

We will also need a list of transcript names with their lengths which is expected in form:

We will call it, this list can be created while pre-processing the alignments with option --trInfoFile (without gene names which are missing in the SAM header).


Now we need to pre-compute probabilities for each alignment, we expect that BitSeq is compiled and located in the folder $BitSeq:

$ $BitSeq/parseAlignment  data1-1.sam -o data1-1.prob --trSeqFile ensemblGenes.fasta --trInfoFile --uniform --verbose

Expression estimation

There are two approaches for estimating transcript expression: the first one uses MCMC sampling and the second one uses a Variational Bayes (VB) algorithm. MCMC sampling is more suitable for downstream analysis (Stage 2), while the significanlty faster VB algorithm is strongly recommended when the main aim of the analysis is expression estimation. See the next section for MCMC sampling, while for the VB algorithm see this link. An extensive simulation study was conducted in order to benchmark the majority of available transcript expression estimation methods, including BitSeqVB and BitSeqMCMC. The full code is available in order to reproduce our results.


Now we run the sampler, which is the main part of the analysis and takes the most time.

Details: The sampler first produces MCMC_burnIn samples which are discarded, following by MCMC_samplesN samples, which are used to compute convergence statistics. These statistics are used to estimate X where X is the number of samples needed to produce MCMC_samplesSave samples which will be finally recorded. The X is the major running time factor and can be decreased either by decreasing MCMC_samplesSave or by increasing the number of chains by MCMC_chainsN parameter, which can run in parallel (assuming enough CPUs).

(Option `scaleReduction` invokes different convergence criterion used in previous versions of BitSeq which tends to have much longer running times. In this technique every iteration produces more samples and at the end expected scale reduction is calculated. If it is lower than `MCMC_targetScaleReduction` parameter, samples are written into files. Otherwise the number of generated samples is doubled for the next iteration.)
$ $BitSeq/estimateExpression data1-1.prob -o data1-1 --outType RPKM -p parameters1.txt -t -P 2

The sampler produces two files, one is data1-1.thetaMeans, which contains mean thetas from every sampler and overall. The other file name depends on prefix and output type selected, in our case: data1-1.rpkm containing MCMC samples from all the chains.

The resulting file will contain M lines, one for each transcript. With each line containing MCMC_samplesSave expression samples. We can summarize these by computing mean (and variance).

$ $BitSeq/getVariance -o data1-1.mean data1-1.rpkm

Other programs:

Short description of other useful programs provided with BitSeq, for more details run the programs with --help option.

converts MCMC between different formats, also useful for normalisation
extracts expression samples of selected transcripts; useful when interested in just few transcripts
extracts transcript information from Fasta file into .tr file; useful for extracting transcript-gene grouping if the Fasta file is in one of the few recognized formats
converts multiple .thetaMeans files into one file containing estimated read counts for each transcript and each file
compute mean fold change between two files of samples (can be either expression from estimateExpression or condition mean expression from estimateDE --samples )
converts transcript expression samples into gene expression; it needs proper transcript information file (.tr) with transcript-gene grouping
converts transcript expression samples into relative within-gene expression; it needs proper transcript information file (.tr) with transcript-gene grouping
compute PPLR between two files of samples (can be either expression from estimateExpression or condition mean expression from estimateDE --samples )
transposes one or more expression sample files from (N rows M columns) to (M rows N columns) and merges them into single file

getGeneExpression example: assume that the file geneFile.txt contains gene names (one per transcript - at the same order with file names).

$ $BitSeq/getGeneExpression -o data1-1_Genes.rpkm -t -G geneFile.txt data1-1.rpkm
$ $BitSeq/getVariance -o data1-1_Genes data1-1_Genes.rpkm

The mean gene-level RPKM values are written to the 1st column of data1-1_Genes.